Paranormal Activity?
Indications of Activity:
You are not crazy. That is the first things people say to me when they think "something" is going on, "You are going to think I am crazy but..." Clients have dealt with see things dart past them--corner of their eye thing, feeling like someone is behind them staring at them. Young children afraid of what is in the closet. Objects being moved just enough to notice but not enough to be stuff Hollywood movie are made of. are not crazy.
I firmly believe in a higher power. My clients also believe in a higher power and through my work and their faith together we bring solutions and blessings to the home.
I do not investigate for the sole purpose of the investigation. I investigate to substantiate claims of activity. My goal is to educate the client, work with the client and then work with the energy that is present so that the living are comfortable living in their home. My blessings are respectful to the energies that are present. I will bless using prayers from the Christian faith and/or use land acknowledge blessings from the numerous indigenous tribes of North America. If the energies are dark and negative, there is a separate procedure to work with that as well. I will advise and counsel clients as to how to create and maintain positive energy in their home. This aspect is unique to each client.
I have the latest and greatest in paranormal investigative equipment. I have access to exorcists if need be. I have no illusions of becoming famous from this work. I don't jump on YouTube to share my finding with the world. I was asked a while ago to help folks. So it is my mission to do just that.
I have extensively investigated in homes where family members have experienced all or some of the listed:
Shadow figures (no real details, just enough to note it is a shadow)
Footsteps (thinking someone has walked into a room or down a hall)
Knocking (inside the walls, or on a window-at times it may be to the left and then quickly change to the right)
Strange odors (smelly, damp, foul or the opposite-floral, pipe or cigarette)
Objects moving (crooked picture, figurines turned, pillows tossed, doors open ever so slightly)
Feeling Watched (like from behind)
Vivid Nightmares (you wake up swearing that something or someone grabbed you, pulled your leg or got in bed)
Objects missing (keys, phone, wallet etc)
Mood swings (arguments out of nowhere, sadness that cannot be explained etc)
Unexplained lights (a flash of light, a twinkle etc)
Whispers (you swear you can hear someone saying something but an't make it out)
Pets Reaction (dog or cats look at nothing on the wall or ceiling, barking, growling, urinating in a particular area, refusing to go to areas of the home)
Is this the only indications, no these are the most frequent.
If need be I will refer cases to Reverend LJ of Bound No More Ministries. He is an exorcist, and an astute counselor.
An investigation of your home is always free.
1. You are welcome to contact me here.
2. You will receive an email confirmation.
3. I will make contact with you once you complete the "client questionnaire" form below. That will allow me to get a basic understanding of the issues you are dealing with I work with you to schedule a time to conduct a video interview that can be done through Facebook Messenger or Face Time.
4. If at possible send me photos of areas of the location where you feel activity is taking place as well as pictures of the family members. This is all confidential and will not be shared with anyone beyond our team. Your privacy is paramount.
5. Once the photographs are "read" I will conduct the video interview which is a series of questions which allows me to thoroughly understand the location, the people living at the location and the types of activity taking place at the location.
6. I will work with you to set a date for the physical investigation.
7. In order to conduct a detailed investigation within a controlled environment, myself and my team respectfully request homeowners temporarily relocate all children under the age of 18 and pets.
8. At the conclusion of our investigation, I will share our findings and propose methods to resolve unwanted activity.
9. I will work with you before I arrive to your home and afterwards to help you maintain a high vibration in your home and answer any questions or concerns you have along the way.
Once the form is completed, please then send it as an attachment to [email protected]
Prayer of St. Michael
Lords Prayer
Liability and Permission Forms which will be printed and signed by both the client(s) and team lead

mfpm-client-questionnaire__1_.pdf |

mfpm-client-questionnaire__1_.docx |

ogp_client_confidentiality_agreement_revised_09182019.docx |

ogp_liability_form_revised_09182019.docx |

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ogp_disclosures_and_expectations_form_revised_09182019.docx |

ogpaudio_video_photographic_release_member_and_associate_revised.docx |
Equipment used for investigations: